Session Leads

Charu Sharma
Health and Well-being
I'm a Physiotherapist Field Officer in the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Regional Delegation for India, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives

Health and Well-being
I'm a yoga trainer and specialises in Pranayama and Yoga Nidra

Dr G L Sampoorna
The Path of Trust
I'm a Psychologist and Founder of Rathna Center for Conscious Living

Michael Frogley
I'm a 2 time paralympic gold medal winning coach

Lee Roy
I'm the Secretary General of WBFI, national team coach for women's wheelchair basketball, a facilitator and a mentor.

Assistive Technology
I'm an award winning system engineer who designs hardware, firmware, software, mechanical designs and connects them to cloud applications

Career Guidance & Livelihood
I'm the Co-founder, V - Shesh, an award winning impact enterprise that prepares job seekers with opportunities and organizations with disability inclusion

Melanie Hogan
Peer Mentorship
I'm the Executive Director of Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential (LEAP), a social service agency that provides independent living and employment services for people
with disabilities.

Navadhara DNA Meditation - New Flow
I'm the Founder of Navadhara Foundation and Chairman of Sri Sugam
Physiotherapy Institute

Madhavi Latha Prathigudupu
Self Advocacy
I'm an Associate Vice President, in an MNC Bank, former national
paralympic swimming champion, founder President of Wheelchair Basketball Federation of India, President of YWTC CHARITABLE TRUST, Tedx speaker and an author.
Session Details